I have decided to do my blog post on a Cheez It commercial from Two Thousand Ten. The commercial starts out saying that they expect a lot from their cheese, saying that they actually care about what product they are giving to you. Then the scene it cuts two is a scene that has a brick of cheese talking to a intelligent looking man. The doctor is trying to show that they use experts to evaluate their product and make sure it is a good product. During this scene they use humor, to make the viewer laugh, between the cheese and the doctor or professional as it seems. The cheese tries to make a joke and then the man marks the cheese as not ready to be made, indicating that they care about their product. The next scene shows the same doctor with the cheese again. Although this time the cheese talked in a more sophisticated way and sounded very proper. The man then went to check the box with the ready next to it indicating that the cheese was ready, showing the consumers that they ...