The game known as World of Tanks is a World War II tank team based multiplayer game. The game recently has started accumulating various ads from all of its different versions that have a similar hype building formula. All of these ads for the most part provide no logical argument as to why the player should play World of Tanks over another tank game that focuses on WWII era tanks like War Thunder. Also since most of them have no real information or dialogue there is no way to establish ethos. In certain aspects the ads deceive you because in them you see tanks either taking twenty plus rounds which almost never happens in the game or they show a tank flying across the map destroying opponents with one shot left and right. So if anyone has ever played the game they know that the ads don’t tell the whole truth which as such diminishes their trust in the ads. So the only thing World of Tank ads do is build hype for the game. They are entirely built around pathos in that aspect. Most of them consist of really cool looking moments or huge battles with massive amounts of destruction. While some of the ads are cinematics and as such are meant only to build hype, some are based of small amounts of gameplay footage that had been edited together to look awesome.
In summary the ads for World of Tanks focus entirely on pathos. This lack of ethos and logos while common very early in any games’ life is expected it is not something that is typically seen so far into a game’s life time.
In summary the ads for World of Tanks focus entirely on pathos. This lack of ethos and logos while common very early in any games’ life is expected it is not something that is typically seen so far into a game’s life time.
Yea, it does not really make, at least me, want to play the game with only a weak use of Pathos like that. Does not seem believable.