Have you seen this? Anyone travelling through the Philadelphia area has seen this billboard. It simply states, “I hate Steven Singer!” This expression of seemingly unprovoked hatred for a random man appears to be the object of an angered citizen. However, it does get the attention of the individual who saw it. Because the individual saw it, she will Google it on her handy dandy smartphone. There, she will click on the link to the story that sparks this creative ruse of a billboard. She will find that the quote, “I hate Steven Singer!” is actually the utterance of a customer who bought an engagement ring for his fiancé and later another ring to commemorate their twentieth anniversary, resulting in a baby shortly later. He then stated these four words and inspired this phenomenon, all due to the amazing skill of the advertisement team at Steven Singer Jewelers. Though it is kind of a far stretch, this advertisement wanted to draw attention to Steven Singer Jewelers and attempt to ge...