This Advertisement is of the Snickers. Snickers in 1930, listed in the United States. After 75 years, it grew into the world's largest chocolate family and is the main brand of energy based chocolate. It contains grilled peanuts and caramel, wrapped in milk chocolate. In the beginning of advertisement is a soccer match. The goalkeeper is a girl, and she missing the ball. At this time, her teammate gives her a Snickers chocolate, says, "Eat it," and asks her now how does she feel. The girl becomes a strong man and says, "I am good." At the end, the commercial shows a big chocolate and narration which sas, "Are you hungry? Are you hungry? Eat it! Eat it!" Snickers since the time of the creation as a "movement", "energy", "sweep hunger". In its brand and product communications, the company is closely related to this positioning. Today, Snickers has become the "movement", "energy" synonymous.